Help us put Trinity's talent pool to best use for this fall's TC Germanfest online auction weekend of fun events. If each family in our school put in a minimum of 3 volunteer hours for TC Germanfest, we could keep this event that has raised almost $100,000 for our school's improvements alive and growing!
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
Thank you for taking 5 minutes or less of your time to help us learn more about your favorite way(s) to help out! :o) This final portion of this page has a link to a <5 min survey that helps us out immensely when planning for this exciting event. Thank you for taking the time.
This means you, your spouse, grandparents, and children old enough to wash their hands and be helpful with simple food prep, serving and clean-up tasks led by our amazing food director! These volunteers will be active primarily in Sept, but may have a date or two in May or August. If you're willing and available on these days/ranges, we'll get more specific with you.
This means you, your spouse, grandparents, and children old enough to take directions and ask for the next task each time they finish one. We aren't picky about your skill level, we'd just love to have your help! We know these are non-specific times. If you're interested and available in the Sept 19-24 range, we'll get more specific with you.
Soliciting items is easier than you may think! We'll help you get started with a short list of businesses and our request letter. Most businesses have an online request form—all you need to do is fill it out or send a quick email. That's it! Follow up and item pickup arrangements are all done through the TC Germanfest committee. This is active now through August.
All the fun people this quirky people that sign-up will be yours to communicate with and slide into volunteer slots from Aug-Sept. How you do that is up to you, but we've got some great tools and practices we've used in the past to share with you if you'd like. We will not leave you to flop like a boated walleye if you step-up to this role. (The people that step into this role get TWO servings of dark chocolate stout cake and their own bag of those German pretzels!)